
December 4, 2019


在一个清爽舒畅的周末早上,走进一家郊外有机生态农场,亲自下田采摘新鲜蔬果,并享受一顿返扑归真的田园午餐……这样的小旅行,你说棒不棒? 12月21号,CITYPlusFM邀请你一起投入大自然的怀抱!早上7点我们从PJ出发,前往知知港,参观Titi Eco Farm。逛逛农场、看看动物,然后你亲自采摘的蔬果将会烹调成你的午餐。吃饱喝足之后,再在知知港散步打卡拍照。 这一次,依然有《下班忙什么》的主持人Emily佩玲担任你的领队,陪你一起吃喝玩乐、感受大自然。我们也会设计一些小游戏,让你有机会把精美礼物带回家。 报名费只需50令吉,巴士、保险、午餐、农场入场费都包了,太超值了啦。赶紧报名参加吧!位子有限,先到先得。 报名费请汇款至8009445195 (CENSE MEDIA SDN BHD – Cimb Bank Berhad) 以下的户口并将收据电邮至 [email protected] 。 Unlimited flavours 我们旅行中之知知港站,是由U Mobile为你呈现。Loading… 【UNLIMITED FLAVOURS:我们旅行中之芙蓉站】精华片段 Terms and Conditions for Unlimited Flavours 我们旅行中芙蓉站! This #Unlimited Flavours 我们旅行中芙蓉站(“Event”) is organized by CITY Plus FM in collaboration with U Mobile Sdn Bhd (“U Mobile”) which will commence at 08:00 on 26 October2019 and will end at 16:00 on 26 September 2019. This Event is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter Inc.  By participating in this Event, you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions below (“Terms and Conditions”).  Participation of the Event This Event is open to all Malaysian citizens with personal Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. Each participant will be required to provide their contact details (i.e. name, identification number, contact number and email address) and proof of payment (Bank-in slip / copy of the transaction) to CITYPlus FM for verification purposes. CITYPlus FM reserves the right to reject any participant without any proof of payment. Participants who are below the age of 18 years old are deemed to have obtained the consent of their parents or guardians to participate in this Event To participate in this Event Challenges, you must: (i) Complete the task give and utilize all the assets given during the challenge (ii) Include the following hashtags in your Comment: #UMobile #UnlimitedFlavours; and (iii) Ensure that your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube account has been set to ‘Public’. Winners

October 30, 2019

《人聲 · 人生》阿卡贝拉演唱会

由SAB人声乐团精心筹划的《人聲·人生》阿卡贝拉演唱会,无论是首次接触纯人声演唱,或早 已成为阿卡贝拉音乐迷的您,都能感受一次与众不同的音乐飨宴。演唱会将带来多首不同语言的当代经典 流行歌曲列表,绝对让现场成为最大的全民K歌房。